Your gift


You know what's the main reason why most people can't ever find what they are searching for? They don't really know where to search for it, and because they don't, they are searching for it in the wrong place, where they can't ever find it. And because they can't ever find it, they lose themselves in life. They're eventually so lost in life, they don't know where they are anymore. One thing is certain though, they aren't where they are meant to be at, for they are exactly where they aren't meant to be at. They are not at a place they belong to, but they actually are at a place where they don't belong to. They are somewhere

 where they don't really want to be. And eventually they see no other path anymore but the path they are standing on. Eventually they are afraid to move forward and so they do their best to get comfortable with standing exactly where they are. And that ruins them emotionally and physically. They can't answer a simple question, where do they really want to be in their life? or they can't answer a simple question what is it that they really want to do with their life? What they don't realize is that they've a gift, what they don't realize is that all 

of them have a fight. They are all extremely gifted individuals. They just don't know how extremely gifted they are. They are given this gift at birth. And the purpose of this gift is to make a difference in the world with it. They just watch tv and think singing is a gift, or they watch tv and think playing sports is a gift, or they want movies and think acting is a gift. Singing is not a gift, playing sports is not a gift, and acting is not a gift. Gift is something you are truly gifted at, 

something only you can do the very best with least amount of effort. If you are doing something and it's not easy for you to do it, let it go, because that's not your gift, but is actually somebody else's gift. If you are doing something and IT ACTUALLY IS easy for you to do it, then hold onto it, because that IS YOUR GIFT. And wanna know why? Because it's meant for you and solely you and nobody else in this whole wide world. Need any other reason to know how special you are? Yes, you are! You are very special. I am just as special as you are. We both are.

 We all are. Just quit believing nonsense that singers and actors and athletes are gifted, for they aren't. They solely exist to make you think and to make you believe they are, so that you aren't aware how gifted you truly are. Not everything is as it seems. The world just wants you to believe that it is, and that's why it hires and shows you all kinds of talent. In reality your gift is thousand times better than the gift of those people for whom you believe they are gifted. You just have to

 find your gift.  I use mine to inspire the world. I use mine to let the world know how special it truly is. People who are idolized and worshipped by the rest of the world, do not use it to inspire the world, but to mislead and manipulate the world. Why? Not because they want to, but because they have to, because that's the only way to keep bird asleep so it doesn't fly. 
