Part 1 (4)


So many beautiful words of knowledge and of wisdom which are sadly - as it appears to be - extremely hard to understand. But I am still grateful for your response. Thank you for sharing with me and the rest of the world the truth about hatred and the truth about love. Many don't know the difference, and many do not want to understand the difference, because they are afraid all of their beliefs about hatred and love are wrong. But it is how it is, you cannot explain everything to everyone, for it's impossible to explain everything to everyone. Like this conversation I have with you and you have with me. Like this conversation we are now having with each other. But let us continue this conversation anyway. Can you tell me more about hatred and can you tell me more about love? Or if you can't, can you explain to me and can you explain the world the true concept of a soulmate? Maybe then the rest of the world will listen and maybe then the rest of the world will respond.


My dear friend,

You know very well that there are people out there who do not listen to what you have to say, just like you know very well that there are people out there who do not listen to what I have to say. You know very well that what I share with you and you share with me, is very difficult to fully understand. Only the two of us can truly fully understand what we are talking about, because let's not forget, you were part of the world, and I was there when you needed to be saved from the world. Let's not forget I sent hope into your life to save you from the chains of the world. People who are out there see only what they want to see, and thus they do not always see what is out there for them to see. They stare at the sun and think it's yellow, and have no idea that the sun is a bright white light. They do not have the awareness the two of us have. And because they don't have the awareness the two of us have, they are not aware of the world the way we are aware of the world.

Now, I don't think I can tell you more about hatred and I don't think I can tell you more about love, for as far as I am concerned, I told you everything there is to know about hatred and there is to know about love. Like I said, some people understand, while others don't understand at all. I can only share with you of what I know. I cannot share with you of what I don't know. I cannot lie, because I am the truth. I cannot lie, because I am universally connected to the truth. I can only share my knowledge and wisdom with you and with the rest of the world.

So, for today's conversation, what I am going to do is honor your request and tell you the truth about what truly is a soulmate. Maybe people will listen to the truth, I am truly hopeful of that.


Your soulmate is the man or the woman you are fated to meet, and meant and destined to be with. Your soulmate is the man or the woman who is undoubtedly the other half of your heart, just like you are undoubtedly the other half of his or her heart. Your soulmate is the man or the woman who knows you better than any other human being on this planet. Your soulmate is the man or the woman who accepts all of your imperfections, who accepts that you are imperfect and who accepts that you are flawed. Your soulmate is your only true companion through thousands of lifetimes. Your soulmate is the only person in your whole wide world you can ever truly love. You cannot lie to your soulmate, because your heart does not allow you to lie to your soulmate. You cannot hide the truth from your soulmate, because your heart does not allow you to hide the truth from your soulmate. It's impossible to lie and it's impossible to hide anything from your soulmate. And the reason why is because your heart is connected to your

soulmate's heart, and your soulmate's heart is connected to your heart. And that's why your heart that loves their heart cannot ever lie or hide anything from their heart, and their heart that loves your heart cannot ever lie or hide anything from your heart. You meet your soulmate at least once in your life. I know this because I make sure that you meet your soulmate at least once in your life through aid and assistance of the Universe. The line they are on is drawn towards the line you are on and thus the line you are on is drawn to the line they are on, until you meet her or him one day and you meet him or her one day. There's a possibility that your soulmate

is already in your life but the two of you just aren't drawn together yet, because you are dealing with your own problems and he or she is dealing with her own problems. There's a possibility that your heart is already madly and deeply in love with someone, but you just don't know that your heart is madly and deeply in love. There's a possibility you are so in love, you are blinded by all the love that you feel. There's a possibility that your soulmate's heart is already as in love with your heart, as your heart is in love with your soulmate's heart. So why do you not know you are in love, when you clearly are, and everyone around you can notice that you are? Because of your mind. Because your mind knows nothing about love. Your mind is clueless about love. 


heart knows everything about love, and your heart is not clueless about love. But do you listen to your heart? No, you do not listen to your heart, because you listen to your mind. And because you listen to your mind, you do not know what your heart is trying to tell you every single day of your life. Your soulmate is a person you cannot live without. Your soulmate is a person who brightens every day of your life. Your soulmate is a person who always makes you smile and laugh out loud. Your soulmate is a person who knows everything about you and yet accepts you as you are, and pushes you ahead in life until you move mountains. And that's why it's as rare as it is, because people do not know what a true soulmate is. They rather sleep around with

other people than search for the one and only person they are meant to be with. They rather listen to their minds than listen to their hearts. And here is where my opposition has all the power, for my opposition manipulates the mind in such a way a mind is silenced. My opposition makes a man believe he is not worthy of a soulmate. And because a man believes so, he is never searching for his soulmate. He meets his soulmate in his life but he doesn't know he or she is his true soulmate. I can only do as much as I am given power to do. I can only provide you with an opportunity. And my opposition wants to get rid of this opportunity I can only provide you with. How it does so? Through all the negativity a man consumes on a daily basis. By manipulating a man's

mind into believing of things that aren't true at all. Truth is, love you are allowed to see is not love at all. love that is true love, is love you are not allowed to see. That's why many people aren't with people they are not truly meant to be with, and thus end up being with people who are not their soulmates at all. Because they listen to the wrong words and thus to the wrong advice, or better said, because they see what's really non existent and do not see what truly exists. They see the illusion of love, which hides reality of love. And because they see wrong and don't see right, they do not know what truly is love.

And because they don't, they foolishly let go of it.
