September 15, 2024


Dear Tom ,

This month has been full of ups and downs. Let's start with the bright side—I’m thrilled to share that I’ll soon be attending my very first in-person hackathon! The excitement is bubbling over, knowing it will be an amazing opportunity to learn new things and enjoy the experience. This month also gave me some precious family time, and I managed to finish reading "Dark Psychology and Manipulation" in just two days. While the book didn’t quite live up to my expectations, I went ahead and bought three more novels I’ve been wanting for a long time. They’re sitting on my shelf, waiting for the moment when I can finally make time for them. But For now, I'm trying to curb my excitement since there are other responsibilities that require more attention than my reading pleasures.

Now, moving to the unfortunate news-I received a call from Zeta about an interview scheduled for the 14th, but despite following up, there’s been no response. Due to this uncertainty, I had to request Miss Dhwani Malhotra to push my PhonePe interview back by a week. I don’t know if the position will still be available by then or if she’ll give me the chance at all, but I’m hoping for the best. What truly weighs on me is this feeling of being stuck—it’s the standstill that’s hardest to bear. Every day, I long for the tide to change, for the wait to end, and for the doors to finally open.

And one more thing...your life seems to be in full swing with parties, traveling, and fun. I guess you don’t miss me anymore, do you? You landed a job right on time and never had to feel what it’s like to be weighed down by stress, depression, and negativity like I am. But still, I’m genuinely happy for you. Sometimes, though, I feel a bit inferior—do I even deserve you? Yet deep inside, I know my journey isn’t over. I know I’ll find my way and succeed in my own time. It’s just that this phase... it feels like a heavy cloud that I’m struggling to break through....

Tom, do you really not miss me at all?

Your Jerry !
