When we met


I can still remember the moment I first laid my eyes on you for the very first time, and you laid your eyes on me too for the very first time. I can still remember how time stopped for me and how time stopped for you, how time stopped for both of us because we got captured inside of a moment. I can still remember thinking to myself, 'Who is she?', just like you probably can still remember thinking to yourself, 'Who is he?'. I was like 'This is the most beautiful woman that I've ever laid my eyes on in my entire life', and you were probably like asking yourself, 'Who the heck is this weirdo? What does he want from me?' And yet, we somehow clicked, because of our beautiful souls. I got to know your beautiful soul and you got to know my beautiful soul. And that's why

 you were able to finish my sentences and that's why I was able to finish your sentences pretty much every single time. That surprised me just as much as it surprised you. I knew what you were thinking about and you knew what I was thinking about. We truly are meant to be. I'm just as meant to be with you as you are meant to be with me. We truly just belong together, we truly just belong to each other. When I am with you, I forget about the world, and only think of you, when I am not with you, I can honestly say that I miss you. I miss  your smile, your laughter, your ability to light up the room, to light up every room, your intelligence, your care, your love, your compassion, your selflessness, your humbleness, and your kindness. I miss the conversations which always make me wanna laugh, your silly jokes I secretly wanna hug every 

single time I hear them no matter how silly they are. Universe brought us together for a reason, and that reason is because you are my soulmate and I am your soulmate. Your path of life led you to me, and my path of life led me to you. We literally crashed into each other's lives when we both needed each other. That's exactly what the Universe does. When you truly need your soulmate, the Universe sends your soulmate, guides your soulmate directly to you until you cross paths and meet each other. That's what happened to you and I. You were led to me, and I was led to you. And that's why our bond is as strong as it is, because the whole world cannot break it. My love for you will never cease to exist. I will never stop loving you. I know that you are the one for me, and I know that I am the one for you. I just want you to know that. I don't 

care about the world anymore, let the world do whatever the world wants to do. I just want to do something every single day of my life to prove myself and to you that I deserve you, and that my past is long gone and I no longer belong to the world anymore. Because the truth is, you saved me from the world. When I had no hope, I met Hope. When I had no hope, I met you. The most beautiful soul I've ever met and I've ever laid my eyes on who's given me another chance at life when I thought my life was gone. And that alone is the reason I'll never stop loving you, that alone is the reason I'll love you till the end and beyond the end of time.         
