Where y at ?


If you are brave enough to ask a question, I always answer to your question. 

My life is your life, your life is your life, and thus my experience of life is my experience of life, and your experience of life is your experience of life. There's no way that my experience of life is your experience of life, and there's no way that your experience of life is my experience of life. And the reason why is, because your experience of life is way different from my experience of life, and thus my experience of life is way different from your experience of life. It's different because you use all of your senses to sense life, and thus you do not use mine, and it's different because I use all of my senses to sense life, and thus I do not use yours. You cannot see through my eyes, and I cannot see through your eyes. What you see is not what I see, and what I see is not what you see. Your mind thinks different from mine, and my mind thinks different from yours. That is why your mind is unique in its own special way and that is why my mind is unique in its own special way. You cannot be aware the same way I am aware, and I cannot be aware the same way you are aware. Just like I can't think, feel, or believe like you can think, feel, and believe. So the way you experience life cannot compare to the way I experience life, and the way I experience life cannot compare to the way you experience life. That's why we are as different as we are. The only thing that does not make us different from each other is the fact that we are both human.    
