Lies and truths


The whole world's a stage. Some people are just good at acting and thus great at pretending that everything's okay with them and their lives are okay, while other people are just bad at acting and thus terrible at pretending that everything's okay with them and their lives are okay. If you say that you are okay but you really aren't, you are a liar, because you are hiding the truth from the world and are thus lying to the world. But if you say that you are okay and you really are okay, you aren't a liar, because you aren't hiding the truth from the world and are  thus not lying to the world. So what are you, are you a man who is lying to the world, or are you a man who is telling the truth to the world? Are you honest

 to people, or are you dishonest to people? Are you sharing the reality with the world, or are you sharing the illusion with the world? Because, let me tell you, I see so many people who rather share the illusion with the world than they share the reality with the world. I see so many people who are rather dishonest than honest. And I see so many people who are rather lying to the world than are telling the truth to the world. My question is, why do they lie? What's the benefit they get and what's the benefit they can have from lying? Perhaps it's just me, but I see none. I see none because every lie has short 

feet and is eventually discovered. And the reason why it's eventually discovered is because after the first lie, there's always the second lie that covers the first lie, and after the second lie, there's always the third lie, which covers the second and the first lie. It's impossible for a lie to stay a lie. Everything comes to surface eventually. Every LIE comes to surface eventually, no matter how much you want to keep it hidden from the world. And that is why it's pointless to lie to people. Because you see, when they discover your lie, they discover your dishonesty, and when they discover your dishonesty, 

your dishonesty hurts them in such a way they don't trust you anymore, and can't trust you anymore, no matter how much they say they can. By hurting them you lose their trust forever, because they can't trust you anymore ever again. So why be a liar when you can be a guy who tells the truth? I see so many liars out there who pretend to be people they are really not. I see so many liars out there who really suck at pretending to be people they are really not. They are terrible actors who don't really know how to act nor pretend. They lie and they keep on lying to people they say they deeply care about. If you truly deeply care about someone, you do not ever lie to them, because you cannot ever lie

 to them. You cannot lie to someone you truly truly love. It's impossible. That's impossible. It's impossible because your heart does not allow you to do so. First it's your mind that stops you and then your heart yells at you, 'No chance in hell!' It cannot be done. So if you are lying to someone you say you are madly in love with, you aren't really madly in love with them, but you are actually a hypocrite. You're not someone who deeply or madly loves, you are a hypocrite who lies to someone he thinks he deeply or madly loves. Thinking means nothing when it comes to love. Love is part of a heart and not part of  a mind.

 Your mind doesn't know a thing about love. Your heart knows EVERYTHING there is to know about LOVE. So don't be a liar, tell the truth. It's better to tell the truth than it is to lie. It's better to be honest than it is to be dishonest. It's better to be genuine than it is to be deceitful. It's better to be your true self than some false idea and image of self. It's better to be honest to people than it is to hurt them. Lies solve nothing, truth solves EVERYTHING 
