Wednesday, 4 September 2024


Dear Diary,

It is quite exasperating when my younger sister offers her criticisms, only for my mother to dismiss it with, “She’s your younger sister; she’s immature and acts like a child, so just ignore her.” It’s infuriating because she is 20 years old, not an impulsive teenager. If she’s so dissatisfied, why doesn’t she do it herself?

When I express my frustration to my mother, her response is, “Please just do it for me then.” I find myself unable to refuse, as my own requests are rarely met with denial. And when I finally snap at my sister, it’s like I’ve sparked World War III. Mom chides me with, “Don’t insult your sister; she doesn’t insult you,” but it seems she’s not exactly showering me with praise either.

As if that wasn’t enough, yesterday I spent the whole day cooking, and today my sister has the audacity to say, “You took all day to cook and only made two pots.” Two pots? I made rice, two types of veggies (because apparently, eggplants are beneath her), and salad. And what does Mom say? “Just ignore her.” She says that because my sister also criticizes her, and Mom’s go-to move is the cold shoulder or, “I couldn’t care less.” Well, I don’t care either, but my sister has no right to play all day and then come around and tell me what to do!
