August 22, 2024


Dear pal,

How are you doing? Did my question sound sadder? We were completely blunt about what we were doing. we were a little childish to understand that as an adult, one holds more weapons and mightier words. 

A long time back, before we ventured into after, I never thought that I would be writing to you to ponder our AFTER.

My head was lucid and I knew where I was headed. I even knew you were the most beautiful red flag I ever encountered. Maybe I was being colorblind for I held you above anything else. Holding you so dearly, I forgot I was being stabbed the hardest. Life was never a bed of roses, neither was it an expensive wine to celebrate but I was a little crazy. I was losing my sanity trying to let you understand my pain. Trying to justify I was hurting the most. Back then, I was more focused that I was hurting and I even cared more that I got hurt. So, the conclusion from the insanity of hurt was holding myself captive...
