August 22, 2024


I had a favourite person in my workspace. And now it feel like we are strangers . I know I made a mistake in my work which could have caused a issue to my senior in terms of reputation of quality client work. I can understand it. Thank god the issue was resolved with no problem. But I went back to the person multiple times and said sorry. And I tried making the relationship back to normal. But it never worked. I felt guilty. Saying sorry doesn't fix a issue. But mistakes happens. And we are humans. I am new to field and work related things. Hope that she understands from my side. I have cried over the issue many days. Including on my Birthday. And I still remember the word she used is trust. Now I just want to be silent. Thou being I have care and concern towards to person. I understood the fact that I'm in coperate and no one is friends here. By any chance you get to see my message here. Know this - I am really sorry for my mistake . I really mean it. 