August 14, 2024


I rather rule the empire of my mind then let any one ruin the city of my universe. I rather eat my simmering heart than let any glutton gobble it. I rather chain myself than let a crooked trainer chain me. I rather corrupt my mind than let a politics invade it. I rather be a villian of my kingdom, than weep at their tyranny 


It frightens me that I shall lose some of me just for you to walk in. I slammed the door when the autumn dried those green grass. I have since planted more grass and named them after the echoes of my yearning. Then, I fed them to my cats and sat on the thrones of my lonely kingdom.


I sipped that virgin drink. Leaned towards the sleeping night. Unrestrained, my tongue ran away from me. But the chains of your scary episode trapped most of what makes me.

I broke the Pandora jar, today. With wide eyes and palpable anxiety, I witnessed the jar dripping with my lovable riddle. I wanted to know. Oh, I want to know, but hush, she calls it "drama," and so do I. I am drama-phobic. Therefore, catching the hem of my skirt, I avoid the puddle of the riddle. And run to the end of my coddled past. 
