August 13, 2024


Dear Diary,

Jiaen, I know that you will never read this. I wish I have the courage to tell you this. I love you. Thank you helping me find love again. It broke me seeing you happy with somebody else. But hey, at least you're happy. I sorry for ignoring you, I just thought that you just never have any interest to talk to me anymore after you found the guy you like. I don't care if you hate me. I hate me too. I'll try to unlove you and act like none of this ever happened to us. It's not your fault. I just got attached so easily and I feel like when I'm with you my life got so much color. Now, the color gone. You can talk to me whenever you want tho, I'll be waiting always. I love you so fucking, to me you are the most perfect girl I've ever met. Now, that I wasted the chance, I'll never have you. I love you.
