August 10, 2024


One Week Alcohol-Free

This past week has been transformative for me. Last Sunday, I felt utterly worthless and hopeless, questioning my purpose. However, on Monday, everything changed when I decided to start an intellectually stimulating activity: I enrolled in an online IT program. It’s incredible how this one decision has shifted my entire mindset. Engaging with the course content feels like meditation—it's mentally invigorating and keeps me focused.

Over the week, I've noticed a profound shift. I’ve gone from feeling suicidal to experiencing no depression at all. Waking up at 4 a.m. to study fills me with purpose, and I feel fulfilled in a way I haven't in a long time. This journey has taught me something important: the root of my alcohol use disorder wasn't just about childhood traumas or poor treatment at work. It was about feeling useless, intellectually unengaged, and unproductive.

Now that I've found what truly motivates me, I’m committed to continuing this path of learning. I’m genuinely happy and relieved to have discovered what I believe is my cure. This is just the beginning, and I’m excited to see where this journey takes me.
