July 18, 2024


With her, it was always different. My marrow of existence often reflected hers. She understood in a way no one has ever dared to grasp. Despite such familiarity, my friend was so unlike me. She had a chasm in her that she struggled to satiate. With her darkened wings, she adored beauty even at the cost of her demise. She loved enough to blind herself. She was vicious enough to poison you, but helpless enough to kneel before you. She was her own bane; thus, night after night, she scrambled for salvation. If any creature ever do fall victim to her love, her devotion will fill them to the brim until it spills. Therefore, I refuse to believe normal humans are capable of being her forever. Yet my friend deserves warmth more than any soul I stumbled upon. She deserves to be embraced, to be loved so much that she fears death.For she welcomed me to her soul so I can see more of my soul.

yours even as I fear to be.
