Friday, 12 July 2024


Dear Diary,

where do I even begin with ? my cousin’s wedding was a disaster. First, there were kids darting around the wedding dais like it was an amusement park, so I couldn’t see the bride at all. And then the groom shows up fashionably late, probably stopped for a quick cheeseburger on the way or something. 

The dancing was pure pandemonium - it felt like I’d been transported from a classy soirée to a chaotic flash mob. The vibes were that of a raving house party rather than a dignified wedding ceremony. And the music? Let's just say I've heard more refined sounds coming from a pack of howling coyotes. 

When it was time to cut the cake, it was rather underwhelming. The bride and groom cut into what could only be described as a rather unremarkable cake, and then they didn’t even offer a single slice to the guests. It was a missed opportunity to spread some joy. I mean, who doesn't love a good slice of wedding cake?

To top it all off, the dress code was a complete travesty. The guys looked like they were ready for a backyard barbecue, not a wedding. Most guys showed up in casual shirts and pants, which was quite disheartening.  I wore an elegant dress for the occasion, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit let down that my outfit was so much more refined than the event itself. I might as well have worn my pajamas.

Honestly, the whole event was such a hot mess. Needless to say, I'll be making my excuses for the next family gathering. This is one wedding I'm happy to forget!
