July 13, 2024


Dear Diary,

Today, I am grateful that I didn't drink. Yesterday, I listened to a Buddhist lama on YouTube, and his words really resonated with me. He said that vices don't really exist and that all we need to do is wash off the dirt of our true nature, much like cleaning dirty clothes. That analogy felt inspiring and encouraging to me.

I desperately need to stop blaming myself and stop thinking of myself as a negative person. Feeling guilty all the time causes me so much stress. I want to learn to forgive myself and embrace a more positive mindset.

I find Buddhist lectures to be very helpful and comforting. They give me hope and strength. Today, I'm in a mood to believe that the Dharma can help me dissipate the negative feelings that drive me to abuse alcohol.

I feel optimistic about this path and the support it offers.
