July 12, 2024


Dear Diary,

Today feels like a significant day, one that I hope marks a turning point in my life. I am writing this entry with a mix of hope and determination, wanting to make a heartfelt commitment to myself. I have an alcohol use disorder, and the time has come to stop drinking. It's a journey I've attempted many times, only to find myself back at square one, feeling defeated and overwhelmed.

But today, I want it to be different. I want this to be the last day I turn to alcohol as a crutch. I've been hurt so much in the past, and I know that my drinking is tied to coping with deep-seated pain and trauma. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, burnout, stress, and childhood trauma have all played their part in leading me down this path. Alcohol has been my escape, my temporary relief from the darkness that sometimes feels all-consuming.

Yet, I also know that this escape is fleeting, and the relief it provides is only temporary. The cost is far too high. I am ready to face these challenges head-on, to find healthier ways to cope and heal. I want to reclaim my life, my health, and my happiness.

I know this won't be easy. There will be days when the urge feels unbearable, moments when I doubt my strength and resolve. But I also know that I am not alone in this. I have the support of loved ones, and I am ready to reach out for help when I need it.

Today, I am making a promise to myself: to be kind, patient, and forgiving as I navigate this journey. To celebrate small victories and learn from setbacks. To remember that every day sober is a step toward the life I want and deserve.

Here's to a new beginning, one filled with hope, healing, and a future free from the chains of alcohol. I believe in myself and my ability to overcome this.

With warmth and determination,
