A Wonder to be Adult


Dear Diary, I never thought that adult life would be so stressful because all i thought it would be fun and easy. I was wrong, today i was given a chance to experience adult life but not that really. I was left by Home with my family together with my younger siblings and my cousins. I was feeling great that i was the only older person living here. I was the one who firstly wake up in the morning, opening the windows and curtains, cooking breakfast for my younger ones. And I felt i was the light of this House, later on i was deciding to cook for our snacks and prepared banana chips with 2 variety flavors a cheese and a sweet flavor. As time goes by I did not notice that it was 11 and the lunch is not yet cooked i was hurrying to go to bath and after that i cooked lunch. Now i understand adult life more and more as i already experienced it as a youth. Time flies if you are busy but Time Remains if cherished. 
