June 04, 2024


Dear Diary,

I got no control on my mouth when someone mocks or taunts me.. I hate it

First my brother used to make fun of me taunt me on everything at first I took it lightly but how long?! I spoke harshly to him and then stopped talking and I have no intention of starting to talk again.

My younger brother doesn't like me he's 11 before he also used to say stuff like go and change your face and then come or why you're so dark? I dont like you but mummy told him if you're saying that to her and say that in front of pappa. After that he stopped and he still hates me and talks rudely to me I ignored at first but now I cant its insulting a 11 yr old talking to me whos 20 and his older sister its been one month I keep MINIMUM INTERACTION with him.

Now my mom started taunting me I didnt clear the competitive exams and she taunts me for that and many think its not like really bad taunting but i think she thinks it sounds funny but it doesnt I said it before taunting makes me super angry its for me or for someone else its a fast mood off ..I snapped and spoke harshly again and now my mom isnt talking to me as well

like wow I am slowing isolating alone fr 

now its pappa who's most of time watching news or in duty and I dont have that much to talk to him I talk mostly with mmy ...and same with grandma

I think I should take a life long silence oath :)
