May 18, 2024


Dear Diary, I find myself repeating the same relationship with different people. As they would say, "Same person, Different font." It's usually with someone that doesn't know what they want, can't take responsibility for their actions, or I am simply not someone they wanted to be with and our time was wasted. I know I haven't been the best person to date up Until a 2 years ago. I had realized that I needed to take the time out and heal before jumping back into the dating pool. It's getting hard for me to keep my hope and faith up on finding real, true love to wanting to be single. Marriage is something that I was looking forward to, but now I am not sure if that is something that I want any longer. I am still taking this time to heal from my recent breakup. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. It was over the phone even though he wanted to tell me in person. He asked if I could meet him halfway only for him to say the words that still sting a little. " I thought about if we were apart, would I miss anything, and I realized that I wouldn't." Why would I waste gas for you to tell me that you don't want me anymore? When I reflect on the relationship, we had good times, but it really wasn't that great as both of us were not only lying to each other about our feelings, but to ourselves as well. For now, I am taking this time to enjoy my family and get my finances in order, but I don't know if I will want to be in a relationship again after this. I guess only time will tell.
