April 30, 2024


Dear Diary,

In memory of an old friend who just passed away today. The last memory I had of her was her visiting me on my graduation day with a gift and a little note that I still keep in my journal. She was also in my formal graduation photo, the randomnest thing that happened that day. We weren't close at that point and still weren't close after that.. But she was present on my important day when people who I thought were 'friends' didn't even make the effort to come and see me. There's a little pang of guilt in me, I wish I had come to her graduation but I was in a dark period at the time where I disconnected from everyone I know from my hometown.. 

It's days like this that made me regret for taking people who cared about me for granted and not being a better friend. 

It feels surreal..I just visited her mom's grave last month during eid. To think I'll be seeing hers next is just..

May she rest in peace.  

Jonghyun - Diphylleia Grayi 
