April 30, 2024


Dear Diary,

I felt the thrum deep in my belly and the feeling of awaited pleasure so close I could taste the sweet bitterness of it not happening any faster. He fills me completely leaving no space. An Instant rush. Mr crow takes his time to come inside of me. I feel every inch. it’s slow and drags out he’s doing it all on purpose. All I can do is close my eyes and tilt my head back as moans of ecstasy escape my parted lips. I wish I had a Time Machine to do it over and over again but I’m lucky because it’s like that every time anyways. We’ve been friends for 11 years. So it definitely shows. 

I did get embarrassed when he went down on me and licked my core and opened me up and just kinder stared at down there. 

I know I’m cute, so I bet it was too but still I couldn't help but feel a flush of embarrassment. I would suck on the length of him on the few occasions he went a bit limp. I could taste my juices and it felt wet but it also felt erotic. It wasn’t like bad or anything. He would lead and I like the way I make him move it’s like my very own choreography. Mr crow definitely fills

my little girl fantasies. He is what I have been craving. He fulfils me. 

Okay. So we’re not dating. And I guess we are seeing each other but we’re just good friend still at this stage of sexing. We only just got reconnected again after both of us being in long term relationships with other people. 4 months ago for him 3 years for me. Yes I’ve had other boys In that time but dude I just realised yeah we do have mad chemistry. Because they those boys were nothing like Mr crows lovingness toward me. I know he feels it too because he even compliments on how good it feels. So there are feelings I’m identifying as we speak. I feel like I’m the one to be obvious and like question our fling. Like does he think I’m already his girlfriend because we’re doing it like often?

I’m just chilling on my queen size bed with my sleeping puppy beside me. 

I just texted mr crow and asked if I could come over after he finishes work.  Which will be around now.. hmm that’s the thing that does annoy me about him he never replies back to text messages or answers calls. Like Mr crow does only when it suits him. Sigh. 

Listening to my headphones. Mr traumatic - dragon skin obsidian 

His touch melts into my skin. 

His kisses linger on my lips.

I find myself pouting and missing his hot mouth on mine.

I guess right now I’ll just puff on my pipe, smoke my ciggies, listen to my music, wait for mr crow to text me back.

I’ll definitely let you know any updates. Especially regarding Mr crow  
