March 23, 2024


Dear Diary,

Its 2:36 am right now and I just woke up from a nightmare again. In my nightmare obviously some ghostly things werr chasing me and my mom was with me she tried to protect me at last sje said "I think someone did blackmagic on us" and idk scene changed suddenly we were sleeping. I was trying shouting on the top on my hell krishna but my mouth was stuck and only mumbling was cpming out😭 and then mummy said pray.. It is set for time¿ and I have to keeping praying until that time is over. I was panicking and scared so much I wanted to wakeup.. I knew in dream that I was in dream (worst part) then I shouted srila prabhupada again mumbling.. Gurudev help me I have been a bad devotee I'll try mt best gave word to both and krishna and srila prabhupada in dream that I will start to take my spiritual life more seriously....and then few more callings gurideb gurudev and then I woke up... 😭😭I am sleepy but I don't want to sleep. My eyes are closing on its own it's hard to keep them open I'm that kind of sleepy rm bug I really don't want to dream anything again. 😭
