January 14, 2024


I always hated Sundays. I guess because it's the last day of the weekend and it means that the next day is Monday, and everything starts again. Work, school, routine. Sundays used to be pretty miserable for me. Specially when I was a kid, and it meant I'd need to go to school the next day. It meant I had to wake at five am and go spend my entire morning inside a room with teachers that hated their jobs.

Then, I got into college and it got better, kind of. Maybe because in the ridiculously small apartment I shared with a friend, I wasn't obliged to watch the depressing shows that would run every Sunday afternoon on the open TV. I didn't even own a TV anymore. It was still kind of shit, though, because the next day I'd still have to go to class, with teachers that also hated their jobs. But at least in college I could make my own schedule, choose whatever I wanted to study, it wasn't such a prison as high school. 

But Sundays were still, I don't know, just unquantifiable, and I never liked not fully understanding things. But then something happened, something I don't fully or yet understand. But in between finishing college and being unemployed and having to live with my parents again and starting a blog and beginning to write every day and finally finding something I love doing, I kind of stopped hating Sundays, and today was actually a really, really good day. 

It wasn't perfect by any means, and there was a lot of things that didn't went as I planned, but I kind of adapted to the circumstances and just went as it was and it kind of worked. I'm so proud of myself for making it work.

Maybe it's because I'm finally growing. Or maybe, it's because something I heard in a self-help podcast some weeks ago is finally sinking in. Or maybe this day is just a fluck, this feeling is flitting and tomorrow I'll be back to being miserable. And maybe that's okay too, because life isn’t a straight line. It’s a circle. And it's okay to end where you begin. 

The funny thing is, I never hated Mondays. Tomorrow is Monday, another week begins, but then everything begins. 

And I'll grab any chance to start over.
