December 18, 2023


Dear Diary,

   Wake me up. These few days seems so rough. They're back and I don't have enough strength to fight back. At times like this, I wish I could unhear what only I can hear. The screams are too loud for my liking. Is this a curse? I want to end it. I wish I could kill the person that keep on telling me what I should or shouldn't do but she's inside of my head. The only way to kill it is to kill my own self. And no, I want to live. I want to continue living to enjoy the time I have with my family and friends. Yet these shits that keep on happening is ruining me. All I want is peace inside my mind. I want to have a mind that is not messed up all the time. I want a mind that is arranged. I want the thoughts inside to be neatly place into where it should be, not mixed up. I want to stop all these bad things that keep happening. I want to stop. Everything.
