December 11, 2023


Hey whats going on, where is the self doubt coming from? Well ok, put it this way, I’m thinking myself to be the worst human imaginable...

Why? Well because none of my ideas are fully original.

But no one else’s seem to be either.

I’m struggling here, planet earth is difficult right now.

I have been using too much shimmer. or at least the equivalent.

Or maybe not and maybe my film is playing out just as planned.

Is it?

I don’t know.

But you think no.

Yes I do think no...

Why? just be open.

Littering my makeshift business card...

Was that your intention? No, you left 3 there and one of them was placed in a area that you later realized has a no-speak icon on it.

What you tried to do, says the schitzo mind, is to do something different.

Huge statement with the outfit and you didn’t speak with anyone?

They are forming an image of me and it may not be ideal.

That’s the fear.

Ok we’re reading back what we’ve just typed. to make sure its perfect.

Byron, stop being afraid.

Has King Mickey taught you nothing??

See that’s the problem I dont want to be living this film anymore

This stupid Disney film.

I watched soul today, had me thinking proper.

Ok, Byron tell me your fear with this project.

Well its not that, its...

It is, ‘what if they don’t like it what if they don’t like you.’

That’s all there is to it

Yeah but what about the copyright issues???

Cross that bridge when you get to it.

What?? are you fucking high?


And that’s the problem.

Bah without me you’re nothing though.

Yeah for now.

I accept you.


What’s weird?

This whole conversation.

What to do.


Got quiet real quick didn’t it.


See what happens when you talk about your problems?

Even to nobody on a screen.

Now what does ChatGPT make of all this?

I’m scared.

We’re scared lol.

Scared of what?


The dog barks....

Somethings got to change.

This project needs to change.

Hey lets ask the “Problem” what the issue is

Type it away from this screen.

Ok so you’re saying that Messy Summer is just your Twink Death Funeral?

Seems about right.

