November 27, 2023 Dream, a good one at that 🥹🤗


It was a cool dream. Was sitting outside probably in a terrace with bunch of people who looked like friends. It was night and the sky was so cool with stars.  As we were talking I noticed a black symbol on the sky and ignored it. Later I could see texts on the sky and all around us in the vast sky. It was like VR  but in real life. I was reading out some names and stuffs. Not sure of the source. We couldn’t change anything or we haven’t tried anything. 

Next part of dream, the setting changes into a mildly colorful fantasy world. With cute buildings, huge and friendly creatures. Normal humans but in different clothing. I think I saw two of popular actors among them, sitting with their back faced to me and two more guys next to them, intently listening to an old lady .