umm, i feel so unmotivated in studies. so i decided to use this platform. i ll act like i'm some sort of proff doing sum research and writing my research paper. please ignore,
1st para zyst
* we can try to understand the complexity of our living world by trying to understand the different processes at various biological organisations.
for example, when we hear a bulbul singing,
questions likes "how does the bird sing?". or "why does the bird sing?" arises.
how? bcuz it got voice box.
why? to attract its mate.
why are night blooming flowers generally white?
bcuz in dark, white colour stands out the most.
how does the bee know which flower has nectar?
bcuz they can sense some elctrical charge with the flowers that got nectar.
how does the chick recognise her own mother?
fella cuz its her "own" mother. stop asking dumb questions. thats very racist of you if u think all hens look the same.
ecology is all about the organism and how it interacts with its environment.
ecology is concerned with four levels.
we will focus more on organismic and population levels.