November 04, 2023


Dear Diary, Shivanshu n I got back in touch yesterday & I think we'll remain more than in touch with each other. Yesterday he made me feel so crazily effing happy, so so much that this morning I thought that I must've really lost my mind with having him back in my life. 

When I finally retained my rational mind, I had this thought that this is the last chance I'm giving to a relationship love & that if this doesn't work out in the end(I want it to work out in our favour so so much), I'll not put myself in the way of love again whether it is love Or arranged. 

He had an exam today the whole day, & I was missing him, I just want him to talk to me even thought I've got nothing to talk about. 

Since I woke up till my class ended, I was distracted by his thoughts(argh!). But when I really wanted his thoughts none came, seriously my mind plays me like this everytime. 

He's the only man who told me he wants to make me his wife. It is a balm to my soul. 

Someone today wrote that hearts meet hearts having same vibrations, energy & universe is involved in joining those two parts of one unit together, that's what I understood n related to. I so much want him to be my other half which completes me. 

But that does not mean that I've once again lost my backbone & have become love sick. Nope not happening, I'm keeping my head this time n forever. Because I know what will be my constant, my goals n my dreams. I've separated being in love n working on my dreams this time. Love is just a bonus (I couldn't find the suitable word), a positive trigger to work much more rigorously, oh I got it, just like an incentive. Yes, love is an incentive for me to keep on doing everything to get there eventually, the destination that I've chosen for myself. 

I'm still a rogue planet. I'll never stop being that ever. I Love me. ❤

Oh, khushkhabri, today I received payment for the work I completed,  yaay!! 
