October 25, 2023


Dear Diary, it doesn't take much for people to dampen someone's excitement... 

I can finally see clearly. I got new spects today🙈🥰 yaay! 

So I broke my old spects yesterday n had to get new today. Mum didn't say anything yesterday just acknowledged that she saw that they broke but today after I bought them she just said kaise tuta? Nuksan kara dia... Paise bigad die. 

I feel so upset right now. 

I was really happy about the new spects with new lens.

We argued. I just wish for my parents to see me happy (I know a weird statement but I do wish it). I want them to see n acknowledge when I'm happy, n that something made me happy n respect that. 

I know I'm old enough to get a job n already feel like a burden on them but I'm trying, I've taken an internship n I'm almost at the end of my work n then I'll get paid. I'm also waiting for the result of MPSET about which I'm hopeful n then I can get a job in college. 
