October 24, 2023


Dear Diary,

Ughh, I don't know why I'm feeling this way, this slight insecurity with my own friend, I don't ever want to feel the way I'm feeling. Been there, done that. And don't want to go through the torture of it all over again. I don't want to put myself to measuring against what the other person would want me to behave or be like. I want to stay the way I want to no bothering with what other people will or might be thinking. 

Isn't it what I was fighting against all this time to out of my dark place? 

I'm feeling this way only because I feel less because I didn't complete my targets for today and about what is going to happen in cc tomorrow. I haven't completed my work, I've got 4 more papers to complete after the one I'll complete. 


No worries, okay! You got this! You go wherever you wanna, you do whatever n however you wanna and feel however you wanna. I just want you to be happy, no matter what, okay!!?
