wow so depressing {October 19, 2023}


Dear Diary,

I'M 18 now...fuck this tax shit. fuck responsibilities. fuck people's expectations *sigh* why is like life this depressing I wanna go back TO THOSE PEACEFUL DAYS and i deeply regret why I took commerce ,why did i not study anything in covid THE PRINCE, 48 LAWS OF POWER there were soo many options. omg what have I done if I don't pass this test my chances for big universities are gone my whole family depends on me  being the single child I'm alone and scared I need someone to at least understand me...oh wait i am in an all girls private school hahaha yea there's no luck for me in love too...just looking above average is not cool i guess i need to improve everything and become in uhh proper ehh you know that  wake up early shit....but what am i saying i wake up everyday at 6 am even on weekends but spend my time doing NOTHING
