September 28, 2023


Dear Diary,

The last of the kittens we rescued is dead. I found her this morning. We had her for 6 months. I was so relieved when I saw her because she was being weird yesterday, and then I realized she wasn't moving. And when I touched her she was hard as rock. I burst into tears. I loved her so much, she followed us everywhere, she was affectionate, a little mischievous, jealous at times. A real character. Fuck. I've never actually seen a dead cat. I certainly have never touched one. That other tiny kitten was laying on her, I know it was mean but I put him somewhere else. He's so sick, he somehow made it through the night, but she died. He's probably the one that got her sick. 

I want to say it's stupid to be sad, but I don't care at this point. I'm heart broken. 
