God is silent again {September 19, 2023}


Dear Diary,

God is silent again today.....

Hi, its AJ this is my first time writting to you , i just watched OMG after all
i cried my eyes out today and yet you were there sillently watching.....watching me as i cry down and gave me a piece of cocunut through mom to wipe my pain away . i have to say tho it tasted like shit but when i said that it suddenly started tasting amazing thanks.
the reason i cried was maybe because i was hungry (haven't eaten nicely sine the day that shit brother came to our place after all )
or it might be because of him ( the guy menshioned above ) he is my aunt's son (32 yerars old and i 17 when he-) and just before his engagement tried to rape me ( that day since there were not enough room i suggested he sleep in my room and that bitch made me give him a handjob )
after 2 months i told my mother about it but im still scared till this day and after he came to our house for his treatment aperently i just can't grasp but feel uncomfertable he tried touching my boobs called me hot was trying to force me it was disquisting . god im really scared i cant sleep sometimes this room is now enbraded with his memories of the horible things he tried to do to me and now when ever someone mentions him i just cant bear but remember all the horrible things that had happened. aperiently you probelly know this already since your the "GOD" but i am on my tears writtiung
mood was really gloomy and uneasy but suddenly when i heard my father say no for the steam momos i became moody and cried a little ( i ordered fried rice the bday before yesterday but it came bad so i did not eat it but then father said that you ordered that day so you will not eat anything after all your exams are going on and bla bla bla...he was the one who ate those in the end..it was hius money anyways but my 50 rs-) but after talking to my friends it suddenly became better and then after comming to my mother asking whats for dinner she sudenly started shouting "i've been asking 3 times what you want you did not say now why are you here" she only asked once and since i was gloomy i said i don't know and...she did not need to shout that badly while saying it i- god i imediatly started crying and she was still shouting at me and now here i am
god she called me for dinner but when i was gone asked me to eat more when i refuced again started raising her voise at me -
i- i just can't stand when someone shouts at me i hate it
help me please...i have decided to live alone no need for family or anything its my decision that once i leave this place i'll go somewere far away...away from everyone here and be at piece but i need money for that
i guess ypoutube is my only option left now ( she came and told me someone was trying to steal my scooty wow why do people touch other's things but god i know you are the one who stopped this.. i thank you from the bottom of my heart :))