September 06, 2023


Headaches with Skyrizi 
I got my first Skyrizi 8/23. In the last week I've had 3 puking migraine days. Base of skull mostly, but some that spread across front. Taking zofran and smoking a lot to try to help with nausea. Sunday I wretched so much all the muscles in my neck were sore. How fucking depressing. I laid in the floor and cried for a long time. In the afternoon I rallied. Yesterday my legs were sore and lpr mild so I stayed on my feet catching up on chores, then we walked the track while kids had soccer. 
This morning I feel like ass with this headache. I made myself breakfast. Egg with fresh greens and avocado on seeded bread and I wasn't able to eat through the nausea. But I drank some juice. 
I'm going to smoke and push through today. 
I had therapy yesterday. I honestly don't like him. We've done 3 sessions and I kinda feel he's lame. We have nothing in common and he doesn't understand what I need. I dunno.
Oh yeah, I've got bloody diarrhea so that's fun. My legs are really concerning me. We chose option #3 knowing I would probably lose my legs. Now is the time that we talked about could happen in the future. It's happening. And I'm scared. It feels diff than usual. Normally during a flair I'm exhausted. With this it's not like that. I don't have the usual shooting nerve's like ...hard to explain. Not like they aren't there....more like a reverberation. A slight humming inside the . I fell 4 times at Audreys the other day. My hip and my wrist have been sore but I'm not telling the farmer. He'd make me stay home and rest. That's all I've been doing these years is "resting" being afraid that something will happen in public. It's hard. I want to bad to be out of bed. I'm laying now. But when I finish this I'm going downstairs and I'm doing some organizing in my craft storage room..and I'm switching out the seasonal decor. 
