August 15, 2023


Dear Diary,

It's my First entry here... I'm very happy that I finally got to open up somewhere publicly 😅... As a girl who's afraid to post private messages in WhatsApp... public site was too much for me...😬...

Btw, I've to tell you the occasion why I'm here now... After 3yrs of Studying ,,I'VE FINALLY GRADUATED FROM MY COLLEGE!! YOOHHOO!!!🤘🏻🤘🏻

Now I've some free time to roam around somewhere... anywhere... time to go to gym(after my fever goes down)... I've been waiting to learn something new... And my dad wants me to learn pianola or I say mechanical piano... But isn't it a bit late for me to learn it??? Don't know if it's okay but.... I don't CARE!!!😅😅

I'm going to learn pianola!!

Now, bye bye 👋🏻👋🏻
