July 25, 2023


Dear Diary, What is thought? A representation of sensory information and experiences? Are we our thoughts? After all we experience them, right? They say we aren't. So how do i escape them? Arent they a part of who i am? Or do they flow by and i get to pick which to listen to. Are thoughts playing out bc this scene or experience has played out before and they recognize the pattern, so its giving me options? Giving me all sides to look at a problem? I was reading and they say we pick the thoughts that pass through and its a good way to practice mindfulness. Its a wave of information that passes. The more i think about it the more i lose myself. Aren't we a wave of particles. Are we thoughts? Does time exist the way we understand it to or is it part of a bigger picture? Growing up i believed we are but a vapor in time as it goes on forever. Time is unquantifiable as to us there is no beginning and no end but thats only to us. Do thoughts speed through are brains they perceive themselves as a vapor? If thats so and we think they are then what is time like for them? Do they see time as an unquantifiable process with no end of beginning. Each particle living in an infinite time slowly growing and falling in a wave. Are thoughts happening and not happening at the same time, do thoughts experience quantum reality as they have an infinite possibility but as we observe them they settle to a known reality which we visibly watch them pass. 

My head is noisy with thoughts that i need to get away from people and things all the time as it becomes overwhelming. What is happening to me, I'm slowly fading away into something i don't recognize.  overwhelming. What is happening to me, I'm slowly fading away into something i don't recognize. 
