May 14, 2023


Dear Diary, I can't stand myself. I'm an absolute disaster with no purpose. I wake up everyday and just fail at a new purpose or disappoint someone. I can see why everyone has lost trust in me. I can't even trust myself. I can't trust myself around sharp objects or anything pure. I know I will corrupt it. I will spread my sadness and evilness into the heart and infect. I don't mean to. I try my very best to be someone good. To love, to cherish. But the truth is I hate myself and I want everything to end, so I can stop suffering. I'm just so useless. I hate my eyes, and how unsymmetrical they are. I hate my teeth, and how big they are. I hate my body, and how flat it is. I hate my hair, and how ragedy it is. I hate my school, and how horrible and cruel it is.I hate the people there, and how judgmental they are. I hate my childhood, and how sad it was. I hate my home, and how lonely it feels. I hate my mind, and how scary it is. I hate my personality, and how annoying it is. I hate my feelings, and how confusing they are. I hate myself, and how I act. 
