May 10, 2023 #422


Dear Diary, I probably feel my “work friend” is annoying. I and him, two of us are only new employee for this year. 

He says he wants to be an employee that can go forward and forward, notice things around him all by himself. I was impressed when he said that in front of everyone in the company. And thought I must have goal like that too. 

However!! Today, while we were doing a easy task he said “it’s annoying duct tape has a long uncut thread after cutting” 

But he left the thread. Well… I am not that “needy” so I didnt really care if he didn’t care about it for me. The problem was that he returned the roll near him every time after he used it. I of course put it between me and him so that it’s easier to reach for both of us!!!

I think he’s not that smart. 

He’s basically a good guy so far i think. But how he reacts my advice sometimes makes me think if he hates to be advised by a girl. 

And his way of kindness is asking me if I’m okay with things I am carrying. Well it’s heavy but it’s far from impossible. And I am doing it whenever he asks me that. That’s annoying. So yesterday I finally said “I’m doing fine. I’m not that weak. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!” I kinda feel bad but he touches my nerves somehow. I understand. It’s not his fault. 

if I may say,  mentally he’s weaker than I am. He somehow move along with me. You ain’t no a little school boy but 23 year old man! Think by yourself and you will know that you doesn’t have to do the same as i do. 

He is always caring about keeping conversations. That’s annoying too. He doesn’t really know topics that are created by making himself force to create make the vibe bad.  He’s trying sooo hard to fill the silence. According to him that’s the bad vibe. But no, it’s absolutely not.

If he could keep conversations from the topic he provides that would be perfect. But as long as I know l, he can’t. 

I tried himself feel less stressed about finding topics but what he said was like he tends to think too much about others trauma.

 I can feel the same. My little sister has Down syndrome (how old is your sibling? Oh! So she’s a uni student right? Well actually no. ) and I had depression (so I couldn’t done the Final theses) and my body can’t give birth (in the future, when would you let your children own their smartphone?) But I’m an adult. I know how to deal with those. And that’s how adults do. 

So I thought he might have asked deeper and complicated questions for just keeping a conversation. Hmm i could imagine he made some people upset before…. 

Soooo i said how about asking “how to spend weekend “

And he said “but many people answer with ‘i sleep’ so the convo is end!!”

Why can’t you spread the topic like by asking “how long was your longest nap ever?” 

Ugh i wouldn’t reject if he payed me for being his therapist today. Lol

He answers my questions with so many additional background info. I also have this tendency. So I felt shocked when i realized  why my parents didn’t like my daily school life stories 😅😂😂😂😇

I need to fix this…. 
