April 21, 2023


There is a contradiction in how busy you can be, but it creates the distance to thing through other things properly. Letting other thoughts drop to the back of your mind - like a dough proving in the cupboard.

There are two recent thoughts that struck a cord with me, the first is an acceptance of neuroplasticity. There is not a sense in which we are "hard-wired" to be a certain way - and that training, meditation, exercise - are all components in changing the pathways and structures that help one move forward. We are time beings - we exist only in the present - and our future is an unknown land, but one that is not just a consequence of fate.

The second, was about acceptance. There are things I am not proud of. There are things that I have disliked. But, they exist in a past that is unchangeable. Yet, I see myself "dwelling" on these moments - and in moments of anxiousness/stress, the dwelling becomes too all encompassing. One narrative is about forgiving oneself, but I think its less complicated - its about accepting these are past, they are unchangeable, and they need to be left in the past. Again, I see this thought has having more power because its about the intellectual and emotional commitment to the action - of letting those things exist in a past state. They have no power, impact, influence - or relevance in the future.

In part, that commitment to being future-facing is important, but I couldn't fufill it until I have that sense of acceptance of the past things. I think that I'm now in the space to have that - and this should form part (but not all) of being able to focus on conflict on the specific thing, as opposed to letting my mind lose its spaciousness with everything else.

Exercise: 10KM planned today - very sore legs from yesterday. Will update later...

Meditation: started the 10 day "acceptance" course to let go of resistance and find acceptance towards my own thoughts/feelings/difficult situations. Was a nice start to sit in that feeling of why there is resistance towards acceptance. Felt very calm and aware of my state of being at the end.

Mobility - Feeling quite "immobile" in some areas. Decided to engage in The Tom Morrison mobility course - hopefully helpful...
