Dear Diary, a coupe dys after my birthday is was sexually assulted and it was my cousins boyfriend/baby daddy. we where at my cousins house and we decided to play hide and go seek because yes and in one of the rounds we hid in a closet but it wasnt enough space so i got out but as i was doing so he grabbed my ass but i thoucght nothing of it because i tought it was just a accident then we stopped bc we got tired then we all started play fightng eventually leaving us two alone in the room and i ended up on his lap and i got up instantly and left the room into the kitchen then i went upstairs and played the game because i had to take my mind off thigs and he came after me and wanted to play so i stood behind the chair watching him and he looked under my shirt and he looked back at the game thinking i didnt notice and then he took my hands and slid then down his shirt into his pants and said "if yo tell anyone about this i will hurt you" then he made me play with him then he came and i left and went home took a shower and then went to the store and kept thinking abut it and the next day i told my familly and only my older sister, step-dad and moher believed me and nobody else until he did the lie detector test ad obviosl he failed and a couple weeks later my aunt and cousins startedto apoligise and my brother because hes mysoganystic and didnt believe me when he first fiund out but thats a story for another day anyways yeah im nit oer it but im hurt so yeah i low key missed being on here so yeah cya