March 25, 2023


Dear you,

I had grown comfortable on my own skin. I wish you understand that I am okay without friends. And I know you don’t like that it may look like that I’ve become dependent on you but you’re wrong. I never open up to anybody but only to you but it seems expressing myself to you may be too much. You see it as a burden. You shouldn’t have told me to unload my thoughts to you that way you wouldn’t be troubled.  Now I feel bad because you see me as pitiful. J don’t have acquaintances for a reason. They abandon and betray you then only come back when it’s convenient. 

My desire to be alone doesn’t mean I don’t want to be love. It’s just that no matter how much time and effort I’ve spent, I end up at the worse receiving end where my heart is left broken. So it’s okay. 
