March 22, 2023


Dear Stranger, 

Maybe it wasn't a good idea but I sent him an email. Just to let him know all of us are okay. Funny, because that's far from the truth, but what can I say? That life is hard? That I wish he had been there for it? That he still a stranger despite being my dad? 

Good memories aren't enough anymore, he gave me my first heartbreak. But what's the point? I don't say those things anymore, because he doesn't answer. I don't pour my heart out, I don't say how much he hurt me, how much we all hurt each other so much, how nonsensical it all is, how completely broken we all are.

 I wonder if he thinks about her, the daughter he lost. I certainly do. 

If he answers, I'll keep sending him emails. Maybe he'll even ask me about me ha... I'll hide all the baggage and tell him about our lives, the ones he missed. I think he at least deserves that. 
