February 20, 2023


Dear Friends,

 Getting up early and having a cup of warm coffee, maybe a cigarette is how I love to start the day!

I write in a graditute journal 3 things I'm truly thankful for to help my energy stay on a positive note.

 I've spent much solitude in my off and on depression the last ten years using alot of "me" time to research the human mind and character development.

 Trying alot of "self help" methods myself with moderate success.

 So much to learn on our journey through life being human.

 What I found works for me and alot of us spiritual beings is the regular practice of self care and prayer .

 To start with just five minutes of breathing and meditation, followed by a 20 min morning yoga has great benefits mostly noticed after just two weeks of dedication!

 I'll leave you with that thought and option to a better day. A better you. I always tell myself to try something new like this three times before making it a permanent new habit. Usually withuch success.

 To share knowledge that brings peace and happiness is a gift in its self!

Peace to all! And be kind to one another and yourself. Remember the creator wanted your presence on this planet. Now spread your wings and fly. Falling is only a mistake if you don't get back up or offer to help someone get up after falling along the way.

Good day!🥰

