

Dear Diary, 

I Was thinking about you today, about how beautiful you are, how beautiful is the mind, how beautiful is the heart, and how beautiful is the soul that you have. I was thinking about you today, about how marvelous, special, unique, extraordinary, amazing, magnificent, and divine you are. I was thinking about you today, about the great attitude you have, about the wonderful personality that you have, I was thinking about your mindset. And I was thinking about you today, about your gift, about your potential, and about your talent. I was thinking about you today, about who you already are, and about who you can become. I was thinking about you today, about the love you have and choose to share with the world. I was thinking about you today,  about your generosity, about your selflessness, about your humility, about your humbleness, and about your gratitude, and about your kindness. I wasn't thinking about the color of your skin, I wasn't thinking about your intelligent, I wasn't thinking about the person you love and loves you back, I wasn't thinking about your looks or about your attire, I wasn't thinking about your thoughts, about your emotions, or about your beliefs, I wasn't thinking about your background, your past, your flaws, your imperfections, and your mistakes. I was thinking about you. I was thinking about the person you are and about the person you can become. I was thinking about how you can contribute and how you can serve the world with your wisdom and with your knowledge. I was thinking about how you can impact and about how you can transform the world. I was thinking about how you can make a difference in the world. I was thinking about the light that you have inside of you through which you can truly light up the whole world. I was thinking of the ability that you have, I was thinking of all the abilities that you have to make this world a much better place. I was thinking about you, about the things you can do if you just choose to do them, about the things you can achieve, if you just try hard enough, about all the obstacles you can jump over if you just jump high enough, about every failure and hardship you can survive through, if you just believe in yourself long enough. I was thinking about you, about your success, about your life, about your dreams, about your visions, about your story. I was thinking about you. Not me. You. The meaning and purpose of your life you either have to create or find, the importance and significance of life you've yet to discover, and the calling of your life you were called here to do. You can be so much more than you think and believe you can be. Just have faith in you and you'll get there. 
