As far as mental health goes - today wasn't terrible. 
I've admitted to myself that since I've gone off my "calm down and be a normal" pills I was absolutely fine for about a month. Then the last few days I'm getting the old familiar... craziness back. So yeah. The pills have started back up. Guess I'll try giving them up again later on. 
There isn't enough room in my life right now to start up the crazy train. 
I have finally started healing up an old injury that has been bothering me for months... its going smoothly but because of it my sex life is non existent.  
Well actually I don't know if it's because of that or not. It's been 2 months but we are rarely at it before that anyway. My husband isn't small and gets self conscience. So I shouldn't blame my issue in that. I won't. That's taking too much blame. 
Doesn't help that he probably still doesn't trust me and I know resents me still. However much he tries to say he doesn't. But. One day at a time will make it all back to normal. 
135 today. But the boredom is back. 
