November 09, 2022 •5•


General thoughts
Why does life keep throwing rotten lemons at me? I can’t make lemonade out this! :/

Should I cut ties with him? He gave me joy but now he just makes me sad..

Why am so sensitive!! I do one thing wrong am I’m already crying! I HATE IT! why can’t I just be normal and not so fucking sensitive… :(

Ofc everything that can go wrong goes wrong
My cleaning lady turned off my alarm clock so my sister had to wake me up at 7.30 i managed to get to school on time but that wasnt such a good morning :/

I just had electricity it was fine just the teacher is confusing like one time hes kinda mad at us that we are slow and the other time hes sympathic and says that turning theory into reality is hard, so yea that was wierd?
For the rest nothing much happened

Ive come home at 12.30 and since ive just been chilling and playing genshin
Nothing much happened today but i think that tomorrow i will be writing a bit more than today cuz im going to a museum with school tomorrow, i hope it wil be fun
I know one thing, traveling in the train is gonna be the most fun :P

I was planning to go to sleep early but i fell into the rabbit hole of downloading like 30 cute games-
Oof (⌒_⌒;)

Alr I installed them all so now I’m gonna go to sleep, goodnight y’all ^^