October 25, 2022 #332


Dear Diary, I went to buy a room fragrance for the first time. I have been feeling my room should have a relaxing scent. I bought a cheap one from a pharmacy. I think I like it so far. It says the base note is woody scent and first note is bergamot. I like woody chypre perfume so I chose it. I don’t know but I feel this as aqua-ish scent. 

Today was a cold day. But I went to walk👍🏼 I had milk too much. Ate chestnuts. I felt better than yesterday. I was up all day. Didn’t do anything though…well that’s okay😑 no rush..

I thought it’s good to write more about who I think I am but I forgot what did I want to write specifically. Boo maybe not today but someday. 

Hmm as far as I can see on google, people hate INFP. Yes we belong to communes lol We are complicated and beautiful like Venus de Milo. I feel so sorry that others can not be like that. Heheh… Google’s auto suggested keywords showed me “INFP better to be dead” or “INFP crazy” etc etc. But talking about myself, I love Amélie but I won’t do things like she did in the movie. So I am not crazy. And I am a good person and I don’t deserve to be told such a horrible thing. I have never told me “I should die because I am useless” even though I sometimes chat with myself how I want to be dead because my life is hopeless. But I am such a beautiful hearted person. I am very honest person because I believe being true is one of my biggest policy to stay beautiful. Well I am in 😎this kind of mood now so yep I am like this now. But I know being beautiful hearted person doesn’t feed me well. 

Oh yeah that’s it…I was thinking about listing how I have complicated personality features… I can recognize a lot of things that are completely opposite of each other. 
I remember when I was told to draw self portrait as a fruit I turned myself into a pair of cherry 🍒 I mean like this.

Recently I am watching Naomi Jons’s fashion vids. Btw She sings so fabulously wow! 

I skipped hair wash again but who cares, really. I am clean enough.
Wtf am I doing 
I was trying to make my Instagram explorer more “accurate” and it piss me off😑😭😫😩 it provides me only negative contents because they’re what I tend to open and read. But these are not what I am looking for:( I felt jealous when I saw a lady who’s screen was full of cute puppies 🐶 and mine is somehow things like “do this otherwise” kind of contents and I am sick of it. But how many times did I tapped ••• and “not interested” like hell!!! They kept showing me same exact posts!!!!!!! I gotta be relaxed and go sleep 😡