October 11, 2022 #309


Dear Diary, okay I am feeling better but still feeling strange enough to worry about tomorrow. But the thing is…I think I should be more careful about what I eat or drink. Sugar and caffeine! I thought it’s okay to drink black tea and green tea but it’s now changed probably. 

The good thing is I already finished taking bath and washed my hair. 

If I don’t feel good enough to go work, that’s not my fault but I need to give some explanation to the full time staff. 

And that is awkward because I didn’t have shifts for days since last Thursday and Friday. They would think like I should have informed them that I need day off again tomorrow. But it was around 6pm I felt something is very wrong with me :( wtf

Okay but I’m feeling definitely better than I was totally down after dinner. But still feeling very wrong 😑 

It feels similar to caffeine affect I would say. The room looks different. I feel I became shorter or something. Hangry or not. Dull arms. Don’t feel like I can fall asleep soon. 

…Or is that so? I had 3 cups of tea around 5 this evening. Strange depression was gone and now do I have only caffeine affect? Well… that’s a good news. 

Well… fine… thank goodness!!! May you protect me while I sleep. May you guide me to have refreshed morning. And May you support me to feel healthy in the train and while I work tomorrow. Thank you for healing me again. 

I was happy today that I was as able to go to bank to withdraw my money. Because I need some for tomorrow. I was happy today that I could enjoy dancing with my little sister. I was happy today that I was able to eat normally again. I was happy today that I saw cute marine animals on TV. 