October 06, 2022


Dear Diary,

There are some things that she likes or wants that is hard for me to support her on. Yesterday she told me her and her friends went shopping or something of that sort and she tried on some bras. She said her friend helped her with them, told her how to wear them and whatever. I know its a girlie girlfren thing but its hard not to be bothered by someone else seeing her barely clothed. 

The second part of it that bothered was why she wanted them. I know what they're for but I asked questions so she'd explain because I didn't want to be wrong. She went through the technical aspects of what they'll do to her chest, it felt like she was beating around the bush and wouldn't just say what she wanted. "With me is just make it seem like I have bigger boobs". This menality is something that bothers me to no end, even just talking to someone on a subject like that bugs me. Girls always wanna wear pants that make their ass look "better" or bras that make their boobs look bigger. When she does it all I can think is "Why? For who to see because we're long distance? Why put so much effort in to making those two parts of your body look good?" When you confront women with those sort of questions they often say its for themselves and they don't do it for other people to see. Logically that makes literally no sense. 

When you do things to meet standards of society, wearing makeup because thats what you think people like, wearing jeans that make your ass look bigger or in some other shape than what it is, and when bras or worn to make boobs look bigger. All of those things are for other people to see. When you're at home you wear comfortable clothes, u eat junk food, ur hair is messy, and its because you know nobody is watching and that need to please someone elses eyes isn't there anymore. Thats the shit I literally can't stand, just be who you are, stop worrying about what other people think. 
