Dear Diary, I feel so out of sorts nowadays. I don't know what's wrong with me. I wanna live independently. Here I am, at 22, living with my parents. I miss living by myself. I lived past 6 years in the hostel. So I feel overwhelmed living with my parents.
Yesterday, mom told me to resign from my job after a year and work on the CAT exam. I don't have such plans yet. I'm planning on preparing for it in parallel with my job.
I know my mom's thoughts change faster than light. Sometimes she says that I should get married soon(like in 6 months) and sometimes says that I should do an MBA and settle first.
Anyway besides that, I have got a driving test Saturday. I drive like shit. I know I should practice more. But I don't wanna practice at all. Last time, when I went for the test, I was so disorganised with the scooter. The embarrassment still burns through me. Oh God!!! what a shitty day it was! I'm afraid I'll be embarrassed this time too.
Fuck my Life.